What is list broking?
List broking is a marketing consulting service specialised in selecting the best databases for each project, taking into account the specific features of each target group, the project /service to be promoted, and the set objectives.
The client receives a list of contact records which can include various demographic data, geography, or sector-specific variables.

What do list broking firms do?
List broking firms such as Kapta select the best database providers taking into account, on the one hand, quality criteria such as the way the lists have been obtained, whether the lists are updated and whether the segmentation is precise enough. On the other hand, legal criteria are also considered. It goes without saying that the lists are to comply with the double opt-in, data encryption, and their management when their deletion or correction has been requested.
At Kapta Listbroking, we have been working on data lists for more than ten years. Within this time frame, we have been selecting the best lists on the market, and we only work with top-quality providers who can guarantee the highest deliverabilityrates, which as a result, leads to the best outcome for our clients ´campaigns.

Which are the advantages of list brokers?
Using specialised list brokers’ services can have various benefits for your company, such as:
- Obtaining a wide variety of lists through a broad spectrum of providers.
- Better results thanks to advanced segmentation via socioeconomic criteria.
- Deduping external and internal (meaning the ones provided by the company itself) sources to prevent someone from being contacted twice.
- Highest legal guarantees since our expert list brokers go over the lists to ensure they comply with the current legal framework.